10 класс (профиль)

Здравствуйте, уважаемые учащиеся!  В силу того, что  мы переходим на дистанционное обучение, вам будут даны задания для самостоятельного изучения, задания Test Yourself для тренировки, задания Control Test для обязательного выполнения с оцениванием  и письменное домашнее задание, которое вы будете присылать на электронную почту своего учителя в программе Word.  Желаем вам успеха!

20.04.2020 - 24. 04. 2020
Unit 8
Lesson 1. News
1. Ex. 2 a p. 232-233. Study the dictionary page. Guess the meaning of the words in bold. Find their equivalents in your language. Read and translate the definitions and examples.

2.Test Yourself. Match the words and phrases with their Russian equivalents.


3. Test Yourself. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences.

4. H/W: Learn the words and phrases p. 232-233 by heart, Ex.3a p. 234 answer the questions in writing.

Lesson 2  Newspaper

1. Check up your hometask

Control test 1

2. Study the active vocabulary p. 234. 

3. Ex.1 p. 234 - 235. Pay attention to the difference between the words  broadsheet and    tabloid

4Ex. 4a p. 236 - 237. Study the picture of a newspaper structure. Guess the meaning of the words in the lables.

5. Test Yourself. Do the crossword.

6. H/W Learn the words 234 , ex.4a p. 237 by heart. Ex. 4b p. 237 in writing ( don't copy the sentences, write only filled words)

Lesson 3. Balanced reporting?

1. Check up your hometask.

Control test

2. Study the words p. 238

3. Ex. 2a p. 238-239  Read and translate the forum comments. Pay attention to the words in bold, the names of British newspapers and phrases in blue.

4. Ex. 2c p. 240 -Test Yourself
5. Ex. 2d p. 240

6. H/W  Learn the words p. 238 by heart. Write an essay " What is your opinion about tabloids and broadsheets"

Lesson 4. Reported speech.

1. Study the rule " REPORTED SPEECH" p. 309 - 310 (in SB)

                        REPORTED SPEECH ( КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ )
Речь, которая передает подлинные слова какого-либо лица, называется прямой речью. Речь, в которой передается содержание того, что было кем-то сказано, называется косвенной.
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются правила согласования времен. Если глагол, который вводит косвенную речь ( слова автора ) употреблен в настоящем и будущем времени (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple), то при переводе прямой речи в косвенную, глагол прямой речи употребляется в том же времени, в каком он был в прямой речи.
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную необходимо соблюдать ряд правил:
1.      Личные и притяжательные местоимения меняются по смыслу:
I – he (she)                            you – I (he, she)
we – they                             me – him (her)
my – his (her)                      us – them
our – their
2.      Повествовательные предложения вводятся в косвенную речь союзом that
    say(s) (to smb)
                                  that   П V
    tell(s) smb

E.g. “ I live in Moscow”, - says Mike.
Mike says that he lives in Moscow.
3.      Общие вопросы  вводятся в косвенную речь с помощью if /  whether ( ли ), после которых всегда употребляется подлежащее, а потом  сказуемое. Такой порядок слов называется прямым.
                               if/whether П  V
want(s) to know
E.g. I say to Mike, “ Do you play chess?
I ask Mike if he plays chess.

Вспомогательные глаголы do, does, did в косвенной речи не употребляется.
4.      Специальные вопросы:
А) вопросительное слово  повторяется
Б) прямой порядок слов (подлежащее, а потом сказуемое) после вопросительного слова
В) вопрос к подлежащему сохраняет свой порядок слов
Г) вспомогательные глаголы  do, does,did  не употребляются
    ask(s)                     where         if/whether  П  V
   want(s) to know   what
E.g.Tom says, “What is Nick doing?”
Tom wants to know what Nick is doing.
5.      Команды, приказы, просьбы ( повелительное наклонение):
А) утвердительные – при помощи инфинитива с частицей to.

tell(s) smb
order(s) smb                  to      V1
ask(s) smb
E.g. “Go home, please”, says the teacher to us.
The teacher tells us to go home. ( please)
Б) отрицательные – при помощи  not  + инфинитив с частицей to. ( don’t =not)
tell(s) smb
order(s) smb          not to     V1
ask(s) smb
     E.g. “ Don’t eat too much chocolate”, says my mother to me.
     My mother asks me no to eat too much chocolate.
6.      Модальные глаголы  (can, could, must, should, may ) повторяются
E.g. “I can’t do it”, says he.
He says that he can’t do it.
7.      Lets – обычно передается с помощью глагола suggest + VING
E.g. “ Let’s go to the cinema”
I suggest going to the cinema.
8.      All right”, “ of course и краткие утвердительные ответы передаются глаголом  agree
E.g. “All right” says Tom.
Tom agrees.
9.      Отрицательные краткие ответы передаются глаголом  refuse
E.g. “Oh, no”, says Mike.
Mike refuses.

2. H/W Copy the rule into your vocabularies and learn how to report statements and commands and requests.

Lesson 5  Reported speech

1. Report statements.

Test Yourself 1

Test Yourself 2

2. Report commands and requests

Test Yourself 3

Test Yourself 4

3. H/W  Control test,  Learn the rule how to report questions

27.04 - 01.05

Lesson 1. Interviews.

1. Report general questions.

Test Yourself 1

Test Yourself 2

2. Report special questions.

Test Yourself 3

Test Yourself 4

Control test

H/W Report these sentences in writing. Send them to your teacher's email

1. She asksme, " Where have you been?"
2. Mother says to her little child, " Don't play in the street, please".
3. Boris says, " I go to the market every Sonday".
4. Oleg says, " Give me this book, please".
5. Sveta asks her friend, " Have you bought a new dress?"
6. Mike says, " What are you doing here, boys?"
7. Mother asks me, " Did you play with your friend yesterday?"
8. Fred says, " I'm busy."
9. She asks the doctor, " When may I go to school?"

Leson 2. I watch the telly whilst lying on the settee.

1. Study the active vocabulary p. 247, copy the words into your vocabularies.
2. Ex. 2. p. 247
3. Ex. 3 p. 247 - 248
4. Ex. 4a p. 249 Test Yourself
H/W Learn the words p. 247 by heart, do Ex. 5 (a,b,c) in writing and sent it to your teacher's email ( письменные задания выполняйте в печатном виде в программе Word)

Lesson 3  Sequence of Tenses

1. Check up your homework Ex. 4b,c p.250

2. Study the rule Sequence of Tenses (Правила согласования времен при переводе прямой речи в косвенную)  p. 311 - 313 (in SB).

                Правила согласования времен ( Sequence of tenses )
При изменении прямой речи в косвенную соблюдаются правила согласования времен, если слова автора употреблены в прошедшем времени ( Past Simple ). Это значит, что при переводе прямой речи в косвенную  время глагола прямой речи заменяется в косвенной речи другим временем  в соответствии с правилами согласования времен. Согласно этому правилу происходит сдвиг времен на одно время назад:
Present Simple                                 Past Simple
Present Continuous                        Past Continuous
Present Perfect                                Past  Perfect
Past Simple                                        Past  Perfect
Past Continuous                               Past  Perfect Continuous
Future  Simple                                  Future  Simple in – the – Past
               Прямая речь
        Косвенная речь
am/ is (Ving)
was (Ving)
are  (Ving)
were (Ving)
have / has (V3)
had (V3)
V1(s) (play(s), write(s))
V2 (ed) (played, wrote)
don’t V1, doesn’t V1
didn’t V1
V2(ed) (played, wrote)
had V3(ed) (had played, had written)
didn’t V1
hadn’t V3(ed)
will/shall V1
would V1
won’t/shan’t V1
wouldn’t V1
can/ can’t V1
could/couldn’t V1
may / may not V1
might /might not V1
should / shouldn’t V1
should / shouldn’t V1

В утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях в косвенной речи происходит изменение наречий времени и места:
now         then
today        that day
tomorrow          the next day, the following day
the day after tomorrow      two days later
in two days        two days later
ago          before
next year          the next year, the following tear
last (week)           the (week) before, the previous week)
yesterday         the day before, the previous day
next Monday         the following Monday
tonight            that night
here           there
this        that
these         those
Правила согласования времен не соблюдаются:
1.     Для выражения универсальной истины, физических явлений - время не меняется.
2.     Если точно указана дата ( E.g. on the 5th of May, in 1990 ) Past Simple не меняется.
3.     Пословицы и поговорки -  время не меняется
4.     Should, would, ought to  не меняются
5.     Придаточные нереальные условные предложения II и III типа - время не меняется
6.     Past Simple, Past Perfect , Past Perfect Continuous не меняются

3. H/W Copy the rule into your vocabularies and learn it.

Lesson 4    Sequence of Tenses

7. H/W Report theses sentences.  Send your answers to your teacher's email ( задание выполняется в печатном виде в программе Word)

1. " Lock the door when you leave the house," sdaid my elder sister to me.
2. " Have you received a telegramfrom your wife/" she asked Robert.
3. " Nothing will change my decision and I will leave for Cape Town tonight," said Mabel.
4. "Please, dodn't smoke in the room," said the old woman to her nephew.
5. "I am shivering with cold ," said the girl.
6. The secretary said to me, " The delegation arrived in Moscow yesterday."
7. He said, " I will light a fire and make myself breakfast."
8. " Don't run to the door when you hear the bell," said the woman tyo her little daughter.
9. She asked me, " How long are you going to stay here?"

Lesson 4  Teen's point of view.

1. Control test

2. H/W Ex. 3a p.254-256 read and translate the text.

Lesson 5. Teen's point of view.

1. Oral talk. Answer the questions:
1. How do you get the news? ( from the radio, television,newspapers or the Internet)?
2. Are you more interested in what is happening in your country or in other countries?
3. Do you watch TV? How many hours a day do you watch TV? What programs do you like ot watch?(music programs, talk-shows,the news, game shows,sitcoms, feature films,documentaries, reality shows, soaps)
4. Do you like to read newspapers or magazines more?
5. Do you parents read newspapers? Do they prefer broadsheets or tabloids?
6. Do you sometimes listen to the radio? What radio programs do you usually listen to? (the news, sports programs, music programs)
7. What do mass media include?
8. Which is the most popular mass medium in Belarus? In Britain?

2. Work on the text ex. 3a p. 254-256
a) Find in the text underlined words that mean Ex. 3b p.256 Test Yourself 1
b) What is the meaning of the words in italics? Ex. 3c p.256  Test Yourself 2
c) Mark the staements below true or false Ex.4a p.256 -257    Test Yourself 3

3. H/W Read and transtate the topic MASS MEDIA , copy it into your vocabulary
                                                 MASS MEDIA
       Radio and TV are mass media which keep people informed on the topical issues of the day. Both on radio and TV you can listen to a program on sports, art, news, music and weather. The difference that on TV you can see everything you’ve heard about. And it’s an important advantage. Besides, there are a lot of entertaining programs on TV, a lot of feature, documentary films which provoke hot discussions. But TV is often a waste of time.
        Radio is preferable to TV when you are at work and need information or have to focus your attention on something else. For example, when you drive a car, it’s better to listen to the radio than to watch TV.
        But both radio and television play an important role in our life as well as newspapers. They give the full coverage of the latest events, comment on the most important developments, political and domestic affairs. They acquaint us with different views and opinions. Thus, they contribute to the development of the information network.
       But today’s teens are not interested in any traditional media. TV, radio and newspapers are becoming less popular. Teenagers don’t read newspapers. The only newspapers that are read are the cheaper tabloids.
       They’re also not interested in listening to the radio. They prefer online sites where they can download music. Teens watch less TV than ever before thanks to online services. When commercials come on, they simply change the channel.
      In fact teens see no point in using Twitter. They see tweeting as a pointless activity. They use Facebook for social networking, they search and research topics with Google, watch videos on YouTube and download music from file-sharing sites.

          Today’s teenagers have grown up surrounded by technology and the Internet, so naturally they are not going to be as interested in old media as the older generations are.

04.05 2020 - 08. 05. 2020

Lesson 1 Which types of mass media do you know and which of them are the most popular among teenagers?

1. Work on the topic MASS MEDIA
A) match the words from the text with their Russian equivalents
Test Yourself

B) Find in the text the sentences which describe:
1. what radio and TV have in common
2. the difference between radio and TV
3. the advantages of radio
4. the role of radio and TV
5. why teen are not interested in any traditional media
6. what teen prefer to listening to the radio
7. why teen are not going to be interested in old media as the older generations are

C) Answer the questions:
1. What do radio and TV have in common and what is the difference between them?
2. When is radio preferable to TV?
3. What is the role of newspapers?

4. What are teens' preferances in mass media?
5. Why are teens not interested in old mass media?

2. H/W Learn the topic by heart.

Lesson 2. Which types of mass media does (do) your family like (prefer, use)? Why?

1. Read and translate the text
                                                   MASS MEDIA (I)
Let’s talk about mass media: TV, newspapers, radio. Which of these does (do) your  family like (prefer, use)? Why?
Mass media are basically TV, radio, newspapers and magazines – means of communication which are a vital part of our daily lives. They inform and educate, question and entertain. They also influence the way we see the world.
Every day millions of newspapers and magazines are published all over the world. There are different local and national papers, dailies, weeklies and monthlies. They satisfy different interests and tastes. The press informs the readers of the news at home and abroad. There are also articles on sports, art, music, culinary.
Radio and television inform people, give wonderful possibilities for education and broaden our horizons. We become better informed by watching documentaries, science programs and discussions.
TV is a favourite mass medium in my family. It gives my family an opportunity to see the best actors, sport matches, to meet famous people. We learn about different countries, people and their traditions, customs, achievements and problems. TV helps us to relax after a hard day. We watch different talk-shows, TV games, concerts, feature film and serials.
But I should also mention the disadvantages of TV. It takes a lot of time and makes us lazy. TV can be harmful for our health, especially for our eyes. Some programs and film are violent. And there are a lot of advertisements which make us buy things we don’t need.
I think TV is the most popular mass medium but we should choose only useful programs.
We have come into a digital age. Nowadays the most popular mass medium is the Internet. You can find computers, laptops, iPads and mobiles in every house. A lot of people can’t live without the Internet. We chat, find useful information and the latest news in the Internet.
In conclusion I should say that nowadays you can be informed even if you live in the Sahara desert.

2. Answer the questions on the text.

1. What do mass media include?
2. What is the role of mass media?
3. Do newspapers satisfy different interests and tastes? Why do you think so?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TV?
5. What is the most popular mas media nowadays?

3. Mark the statements below true or false. Correct the wrong statements.
Test Yourself

4. Describe:
a) The role of mass media
b) Newspapers that are published all over the world
c) The role of radio and TV
d) The advantages and disadvantages of TV
e) The Role of the Internet

5. Prove that:
a) Newspapers satisfy different interests and tastes nowadays
b) Nowadays the most popular mass media is the Internet

H/W Learn the topic Mass media (I) BY HEART.

Lesson 3-4 Reported speech

1. Report these sentences:

1. He said to me, " Come at 9 o'clock, I will be free and we will have a nice cup of coffee".
2. Nina asked her friend," What did the professor speak about in his lecture?"
3. Ann said," He is one of the best speaker I have ever heard".
4. He said, " I haven't yet seen the film you are talking about".
5. He said, " I seldom went to see my friend in May as I was very busy".
6. She asked her brother, " Will you manage to get tickets to the Philharmonic on Sunday?"
7. My friend said, " We arrived in Kiev on Saturday and the next day we went to have a look around the city".
8. She said to me," Did you live in Moscow ten years ago?"
9. She said to me, " Are you going to leave Moscow for the sumer?"
10. My friend said to me, " The discussion will stil be going on when you arrive."
11. He said, " I am proud of my brother who took the first prize at the competition."
12. She asked me, " How long have you been living in Minsk?"
13. She said, " She has just left."
14. He asked me, " When will your parents arrive in Moscow?"
15. She said to me, " Were you present at the meeting yestaerday?"

2. H/W Read and translate the text Mass Media (II)

                                                  MASS MEDIA(II)
It’s impossible to imagine our life without mass media. The most important mass media are newspapers, magazines, radio, television and the Internet. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views.
On the one hand radio, television and the press are valuable because they help to get the latest news, including the weather broadcast. We have come to a digital age. We can get any information from the Internet in a few minutes. Newspapers and magazines, TV channels and radio stations have all gone online in addition to their traditional formats. It’s also a good way to relax listening to the radio, watching films on TV, reading the press or navigating the Internet.
On the other hand the mass media usually focus on negative information. Watching news programs we primarily learn about war, crimes, disasters and accidents. Negative information causes stress and bad mood. Besides there is a lot of gossip in the press and there is also too much sex, violence and too many adverts.

But mass media continue to be an essential part of our life. It’s impossible not to appreciate that nowadays we can get information from all over the world. You can be informed even if you live in the Sahara desert.

Lesson 5 Mass Media

Work on the text

1. Test Yourself

2.Test Youself

3. Answer the questions on the text:
1. What types of mass media do you know?
2. What is the role of mass media?
3. Why are radio, television and the prees valuable?
4. Where else can you get information from in a few minutes?
5. What do newspapers and magazines, Tvchannels and radio stations have in addition to their traditional format?
6. What is the main disadvantage of mass media? Why?
7. What does negative information cause? Why?

4. H/W Learn the topic Mass media (II) BY HEART.

11.05. 2020 - 15.05.2020

Lesson 1. Education in Belarus

1. Revision

Test Yourself

2. Vocabulary revision ( Unit 2 p.34, p.41, p.46, p.53 )

3. Ex.1a p.259

4. Ex.1b p.259-260

5. What have you learnt about Alan and his studies at the six-form college in Guilford?

6. H/W Ex. 3 p.260-261 

Lesson 2 My Belarus

1. Check up your homework: Ex.3 p. 260-261

1. Is education in Belarus free or fee-paying? 
2. When do most children start school in Belarus?
3. How long does compulsory education last in Belarus?
4. What can students do after finishing compulsory education?
5. What are the two official languages within the education system in Belarus?
6. How long does higher education last in Belarus?
7. What are all higher education establishments governed by?

2. Ex. 1 p.262

3. Ex. 2a p.262
Listen to the story

4. Ex. 2b p. 263
Listen to the story once again
Test Yourself

5. H/W Learn the rule PLURAL OF NOUNS  p. 284 -287 in SB

Lesson 3 - 4  Exhibitions

1. Test Yourself

2. Test Yourself 1

3. Test Yourself

4.Test Yourself 1

5.Test Yourself 2

6.Test Yourself 3

7. Test Yourself 4

8. Test Yourself 5

H/W Ex. 4 p. 267 - 268 in writing ( don't copy the sentences, write only nouns in plural )

Lesson 5 Mass media in Belarus

1. Ex. 1 p.268

2. Ex. 2a p.268

3. Ex. 2b p.269
Listen to a part of the interview

4. Ex. 2c p.269 Test Yourself

5. H/W Ex.3a p.269-270

18.05.2020 - 22.05.2020

Lesson 1. What do you like watching?

1. Check up your hometask 
Ex. 3a p. 269 - 270   Answer the questions before the text.

2. Ex.1 p. 271

3. Ex.2a p.271

 4. Ex. 2b p. 271 Listen to the dialogue

5. Ex. 2c p.271

6. H/W Ex. 3 p.272 in writing

Lesson 2.   Houses

1. Ex.1 p.272

2. Ex. 2 p. 272 - 274 Read the text, try to understand it.

3. Answer the questions on the text:
1. What kind of house does Thomas Warner live in?
2. What houses does he like most and why?
3. What unexpected problems does Thomas have because he is not accustomed to living in a block of flats?
3. Prove that blocks of flats are not only necessary in big cities but also comfortable to live in. Give at least three reasons. Ex. 2c p.274

4. Ex.3a p.274

5. Listen to the text Ex.3b p.275

6. Ex.3c p. 275

7. H/W Ex.3d p.275 in writing

Lesson 3. We can make a better world.

1. Ex. 1ab p.276 Listen to the poem

2. Ex.1c p.276 Answer the questions

3. Ex.2 p.277-279

4. Listen to Ashley Funk Ex.3 p.279

5. H/W Ex.5 p.279 in writing

Lesson 4 - 5. Republic of Belarus

1. Ex.1 p. 280

2. Ex.2a p. 280 - 281

3. Listen to the information. Check your answers.

4. H/W Ex. 2d p. 281 in writing

25.05.2020 - 29.05.2020

Lesson 1. Are you proud of being Belarusian?

1. Study the unknown words:
the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Великое Княжество Литовское
the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth - Речь Посполитая
the Russian Empire - Российская империя

2. Read the newspaper opinion column, try to understand it.
                         ARE YOU PROUD OF BEING BELARUSIAN?
       I am Belarusian because my parents who gave me life and brought me up are Belarusians. And what if I were born in a different country on a different continent? In my opinion, a sense of pride in your country, a sense of belonging to a particular nation develops in a person with time. Therefor at my age, by the way I am 18, I can say quite positively, that I am proud to live in Belarus.
       The real treasure of Belarus is its wonderful nature. The country has hundreds of wild forests, rolling hills, green valleys, sweet-scented meadows and golden fields. Belovezhskaya  Pushcha is the only place where you can meet mighty European bison in the wild. Belarus is also famous for its clear lakes and ribbon-like rivers, that’s why it is called a blue-eyed country. The resorts of lakes Naroch and Braslav are open all year round and let tourists experience the unforgettable peaceful atmosphere.
          I am proud of the rich heroic history of my country. Although for many centuries we were part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and then The Russian Empire, we have managed to stay united and haven’t lost our uniqueness. Many foreigners admit that our people are extremely sociable, hospitable, generous, and welcoming. We are also described as resourceful and peaceful. When socializing, Belarusians are open, warm-hearted, fun-loving, humorous and outgoing in spite of all the difficulties they face in their life.
           Of course I am proud of our national holidays and traditions, especially those which are deep-rooted and typical of our nation such as Kalyady, Maslenitsa, Dazhynki. They are unique and make us stand out. Besides, we are of particular interest for tourists because they reflect our nature.

           In conclusion, I’d like to say that to say that I’m proud of my country and its people. Each time I go abroad I tell foreigners about our great past and achievements. Each time I leave the country I want to come back again, because I miss it. If I were a talented painter, I would start drawing pictures with its beautiful landscapes; If I could compose verses, I would write lyric poems about it. Belarus is the place where my heart will always belong to!

3. Say in 2-3 sentences what the article is about.

4. When did the author understand that he/she is proud of being Belarusian? Find this extract and read it aloud.

5. Find the answers to these questions in the text: 
What makes the author be proud of his/her Motherland?
What would the author do if he/she were a creative person?

6. H/W Write the main idea of the article.

Lesson 2-3. Sequence of subject and predicate

1. Test Yourself

2. Test Yourself 1

3. Test Yourself 2

4. Test Yourself 3

5. Test Yourself 4

6. H/W Control test

Lesson 4-5.  Project - School website

1. Ex. 1 p.282

2. Ex. 2 p.282

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